Stone crabs are known to mostly thrive in the shorelines of Florida. These crabs have a hardshell compared to other crabs. The countries where the stone crabs live have placed some restrictions on the amount of stone crabs that are to be caught in a particular day or season. The restriction allows crab meat lovers to continue enjoying stone crabs but in fewer quantities. Stone crabs are prepared differently depending on the chef or the one who has caught one and wants to prepare the stone crab on his own. When you want to cook the stone crab you need to break the shell with a mallet, lobster cracker or the back of the knife for experts. The cooking involves steaming the stone crab once it has been in the fridge for a few hours to drain the water. People who catch the stone crabs themselves usually prefer to cook the lobster. Stone crabs are loved by many people due to the meat beneath the shell which makes is tasty.
The jumbo stone crab claws are available in different sizes and you select depending on the size you want. The sizes available for the stone crab claws are colossal, jumbo, large size and medium. The restrictions placed allow people not to harvest the whole crab but only the claws. The only stone crabs that are harvested as a whole are those that are completing their lifespan. The claws can be regenerated by the stone crabs and that is why it is only allowed that the stone crabs should be harvested. The tasty meat size depends on the claws size and you can get the mouthwatering meat in large quantities when you choose the large sizes crab claws. The best time to start cracking it harvesting stone crabs is mainly from May to October. By knowing how to select the stone crab claws by the size you can prepare with some marinated sauce. The claws of stone crabs have nutritious vitamins and minerals that you need in your body, this is why you need to take some stone crabs claws at least every year. You should ensure you take the stone crab claws because of the nutritional value it has for you by not letting price to become a hindrance.
You need to consider the price per pound of the sizes of stone crab claws. You need to be aware of the prices per pound if each size of the stone crab claws. The price per pound of each stone crabs claws will assist you in knowing how many crab claws you may need during the harvesting season. You will get to enjoy the favorite meat of stone crab claws whenever you want if you have purchased in large quantities. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: